Follow up systems

Automated follow-up systems available with Recruiting and Retail sites.

Follow up definitely helps get results, so CoroNet has set up 4 FREE sets of automated follow up systems for you to use.

1) Your Website prospects from Site 1 (offering the Decision package) – 9 follow up letters promoting your ‘Home business’ and the Decision package, go out to people who enter their name & email on your website. You can edit these letters on your admin. You can also enter more names and emails of people who have requested more information about a business opportunity from an advert or a flyer into this system. Available with the Recruiting site only.

2) Your website prospects from Site 3 (offering the IBP) + it works for people you have sent the Decision Package to. enter their name & email on your admin site to receive 18 follow up letters promoting the Herbalife business and IBP. You can edit these letters on your admin.  Available with the Recruiting site only.

3) New distributors enter their name & email on your admin site to receive 24 follow up letters giving them useful training for their Herbalife business. You can edit these letters on your admin.  Available with the Recruiting site only.

4) Herbalife product Retail 17 follow up letters, containing an interesting combination of health information, product info with testimonials and pictures, and all the letters have the same subject: ‘Your Health Matters’ . They go out to anyone who fills out the questionnaire on the retail website or capture page. New people (potential or existing customers) can also be added on the admin site to receive all the retail follow up letters too. Available with the Retail site only.

All emails are automated and personalised with your details and personalized with their first name.

You can access all the follow up systems on your admin site of your recruiting and retailing websites.
The first 3 are on your recruiting admin (Under Automated Systems) and the 4th is on the retail admin site.

1. Your website prospects

  • When a prospect enters his name and email on your website, their details are recorded here.
  • The prospect immediately receives an email auto responder from you and 9 follow-up letters go out automatically from you, to them, every 4 days.
  • These direct them back to ‘The Next Step‘ on your website, where they can order the package.
  • It has been proved that often it is the 6th or 7th reminder that does it.
  • On your admin site you can see the date your prospect receives each letter and you can see exactly which letters they have received.
  • Each follow up letter offers an automatic removal option, so if they wish to no longer receive more information, they just click on the removal link and their email will be removed from your admin. They may occasionally email you asking you to remove them, in which case you click on the ‘DELETE’ link on the right hand side of the name.
  • If you receive interested prospects from a flyer or advert and you get their email, you could enter their name & email into the front page of your website yourself so they get all the emails from you to. It is a good idea to email them a personalised email too.

2. Follow up Herbalife site prospects and /or Decision package recipients:

  • If your site is set up as a Herbalife site (site 3) your prospects will be recorded here and they will receive this follow up automatically.
  • Or if your site is set to offer a Decision package, once you have sent a Decision Package to a new prospect, it is very worthwhile to keep in contact with them and keep on reminding them what an amazing opportunity it is, tell them some extra exciting information about Herbalife and how to order the IBP from you.
  • So as soon as that new prospect orders a Decision package and they have gone through Step 2, you should delete them from the follow up system above and add them to this system.
  • They will get 18 follow up letters that encourage them to join Herbalife and order the IBP. It is better to only add them after they have got to the 2nd step as the letters do all talk about Herbalife.
  • Remember to delete their name from the ‘Website Prospect’ follow up system if they have not finished receiving those follow up letters.
  • Each follow up letter offers an automatic removal option, so if they wish to no longer receive more information, they just click on the removal link and their email will be removed from your admin. They may occasionally email you asking you to remove them, in which case you click on the ‘DELETE’ link on the right hand side of the name.

3. Follow up new distributors:

  • When you get a new distributor, just fill out the name and email of your new distributor here.
  • They will start getting the series of follow up letters every 3 days, with motivation, tips, scripts and much more.
  • 24 follow up letters.
  • Remember to delete their name from the ‘New Prospect’  and ‘Decision Package’ follow up system if they have not finished receiving those follow up letters..
  • Each follow up letter offers an automatic removal option, so if they wish to no longer receive more information, they just click on the removal link and their email will be removed from your admin. They may occasionally email you asking you to remove them, in which case you click on the ‘DELETE’ link on the right hand side of the name.
  • Enter your own name and email onto your admin site to start getting the letters.

4. Herbalife Product Retail follow up.

If a prospect fills in their name & email on the questionnaire / Health Assessment on your retail website, they will start receiving 17 follow up letters, containing an interesting combination of health information, product info with testimonials and pictures, and all the letters have the same subject: ‘Your Health Matters’ .

They go out to anyone who fills out the questionnaire on the retail website.

New people (potential or existing customers) can also be added on the admin site to receive all the retail follow up letters too. Click on ‘Retail Site Administration’ and then click on the following on the ‘Questionnaire / Retail Follow up System’ link. Here you can view the people who have entered their name & email on your website questionnaire, but you can also add on people (potential or existing customers) to start receiving the follow up letters here as well.